
Giving Hope During COVID19

Apr 22nd 2020

Man has been called to share their experience through imagery and creativity since the dawn of time. It is how we have communicated our stories, our trials, and our tribulations from one generation to another, from one millennia to another. Art provides an avenue to explore complex feelings, it provides hope and a window into the soul and time of a person or populace. We at the Giving Tree Gallery find ourselves in a unique position where we are in contact and work in tandem with some beautiful and talented artists who have offered their pieces in order to inspire you.  Featured items are shown below.

Pyrrha Jewelry

The Pyrrha Rainbow Talisman Necklace is a constant reminder of that which we have always known: without rain there are no rainbows. Weathering the storm, both literal and physical, are what allow us to more deeply revel in the peace and joy that comes on the other side. The talisman features the words “Sunshine follows the rain,” and rainbow imagery to signify hope and the luminous light that follows darkness.

Houston Llew Spiritiles

The glorious Houston Llew Tardis Spiritile features Ferdinand Magellan’s apropos quote, “Embark on the most daring of all endeavors, meet the future without fear and conquer the unknown.” What a timely reminder that this is but a moment in time. We will forge a path forward that makes the best of both our current reality and the future ahead, no matter how different it may look to us. This tile provides a gentle and beautiful reminder in the home that the future isn’t set in stone, it is constantly evolving and will be what we make of it.


MeditationRings offer the Chakra Meditation Spinner Ring and the Faith Meditation Spinner Ring, both distinctive in their meaning but singular in their function. “Chakra” encourages you to trust yourself and your instincts, respect your feelings and those of the people around you, especially in times of strife. “Faith” reinforces your connection to your inner strength, courage, and bravery; have confidence in your beliefs and follow them without fear. Times of anxiety and imbalance often lead us to habits that aren’t terribly productive; we find ourselves twisting our hair around our fingers, bouncing our knee, dwelling on the stress as it swirls in our heads. MeditationRings is composed of two rings - one wraps around the other and spins independently, giving you a purposeful way to channel anxious energy and focus your thoughts. When you find yourself overwhelmed, acknowledge the thoughts, gently twirl the outer band around the ring and connect yourself to something that brings you joy or peace. Before long this association will solidify and you will find yourself centered as you reach for the ring without really thinking about it, gently bringing yourself to equilibrium before you become overwhelmed.

Sugarboo Journals

A Sugarboo and Co Journal is a wonderful way to take stock of the day, to write down your experiences and learn from them. This particular journal features a quote from Helen Keller, “Never bend your head, always keep it high. Look the world straight in the eye.” Seeing that emblazoned on the front as you sit down to write is a great way of recognizing your own strength and harnessing it. Getting things down on paper has long been known to have a therapeutic effect - removing the thoughts from your head and ensconcing them in permanence allows you to move on without dwelling. Taking a moment to take stock of the day is a worthwhile endeavor for all of us, especially in uncertain times.

Thank you for your support, for your patronage, and we wish you and your loved ones peace, strength and prosperity.

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